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Editorial Board

Founder Editor-In-Chief

Dr. Hari Dayal Gupta


Franco Gandolfi
Professor, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA

Editorial Board

Anbalagan Krishnan
Associate Professor, Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak, Malaysia

Audra Ong
Professor of Accounting, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Brent M Wren
Professor of Marketing, Associate Provost, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, US

E. Stephen Grant
Professor of Marketing & Entrepreneurship, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs,
Faculty of Business Administration, University of New Brunswick,
Singer 255, Fredericton, Canada

Erdogan Ekiz
Associate Professor Dean, School of Hospitality Business and Management Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Morocco

Halil Dincer Kaya
Professor of Finance Northeastern State University Broken Arrow, OK, USA

Jin-Li Hu
Institute of Business and Management National Chiao Tung University Taipei City, Taiwan

Jitendra Mahakud
Associate Professor of Economics & Finance Department of Humanities & Social Sciences Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur West Bengal, India

Marcus L. Stephenson
Professor of Hospitality Management Dean, School of Hospitality Sunway University, Malaysia

Varun Gupta
Associate Professor of Operations Management University of Chicago Booth School of Business Chicago, IL, USA

Editorial Office
South Asia Publications 340 SFS Flats Ashok Vihar Phase - 4 Delhi - 110052, India

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