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Editorial Board

Dr. Hari Dayal Gupta
Founder Chief Editor

Sanjay P. Garg

Editorial Advisory Board

Audra Ong
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario (Canada)

Brent M. Wren
University of Alabama in Huntsville, Alabama (USA)

E. Stephen Grant
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton (Canada)

Franco Gandolfi
Regent University, VA (USA)

Jean-Luc Arregale
University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

Jin-Li Hu
National Chiao Tung University, Taipei City (Taiwan)

Mahesh Verma
MA Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi (India)

Matthew Valle
Elon University, NC (USA)

N. P. Singh
Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi (India)

Robert Mulligan
Richmond, The American International University in London (UK)

Thomas C. Powell
Oxford University (UK)

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