Instruction to the Authors
Conceptual/empirical research papers/articles are received throughout the year.
Contributions may be submitted online at or sent via e-mail at
All the contributions submitted by 31 October are considered for December issue and those submitted by April 30 are considered for June issue.
All the contributions must be accompanied with an abstract of 150-200 words, biographical details of the contributors, contact details and indication about the corresponding author in case of joint work.
Length of the research papers should be 3500-6000 words while those of articles/colloquium/interviews should be 1500-3000 words.
Kindly follow 'APA' style for referencing. References should be complete in all respect and arranged alphabetically.All the texts/sub-texts quoted from other sources must be cited appropriately as per APA style.
JMPP publishes research papers/articles in the following categories:
Empirical/conceptual/theoretical contributions from any functional area of Social Sciences/Humanities/Law/Management.
Critique of politics, public policy and governance issues having a bearing on lives of the people in any part of the world.
Development issues having a bearing on corporate world or quality of life of the people.
Kindly ensure that you have not submitted the same research paper/articles elsewhere. Cover letter accompanying the submission must indicate that the paper is original and has not been submitted for consideration in any other journal.
JMPP maintains zero tolerance for plagiarism. Authors using copyrighted material without appropriate references shall be summarily blacklisted.
JMPP publishes any worthwhile item in good faith and does not bear any liability whatsoever for breach of trust. In case of copyright violations, contributors alone shall be accountable.
Authors are encouraged to check the similarity index of their research work on Tunnitin, Itehnticate or any free plagiarism detection software before submitting their papers. Submission of certificate regarding similarity index is highly appreciated.
Complimentary soft copies (PDF) of the published papers are sent to the authors free of cost. However, theyare required to subscribe to the journal in case they need print editions.