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Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science
Year 2020, Volume-62, Issue-3and4 (July-December)
Print ISSN : 0972-4257
Online ISSN : 0974-1267

Table of contents RSS Feed

The role of nanomedicine in the treatment of osteosarcoma and in the prevention of infections
Ada Taymoori, Thomas Webster

An opinion on hydroxyapatite based bio-composites as bone-scaffolds
Kantesh Balani

Synthesis of fully interconnected multiporous hydroxyapatite block for orthopedic application
Chandrani Sarkar, , Arvind Sinha

Effect of dual crosslinking on physico-chemical properties of hydrogels prepared from chitosan and alginate
Santanu Ghosh, Pritiranjan Mondal, B. Rathina Vel, Kaushik Chatterjee

Limiting platelet adhesion in stainless steel bio-implants through microstructural modification
G. Perumal, A. Chakrabarti, S. Pati, S. Singh, V. Reddy, H.S. Grewal, G. Manivasagam, H. S. Arora

Technology glimpse of bioceramic implants developed by CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata
Biswanath Kundu, Vamsi K. Balla, K. Muraleedharan

Mg-based biodegradable alloys for orthopedic implants - A review
Ansu J Kailath, Arvind Sinha

Tuning surface resistivity and thermal conductivity of water resistant fly ash waste based polymer composite via tailoring the interfacial polarization
Sandhya Singh Tripaliya, Manoj Kumar Gupta, Riya Sahu, Asokan Pappu, Charu Sharma, Ashish Kumar Chaturvedi, Avanish Kumar Srivastava

Rapidly quenched magnetic materials for functional and sensor applications
Ashis K. Panda, Rajat K. Roy, Premkumar Murugaiyan, Somnath Das, Tarun K. Das, Amitava Mitra

Spectroscopic changes in conventional magnetorheological fluid and graphene oxide based magnetorheological fluid with combustion method
Kunal Singh Bisht, Kaveri Sah

Electrochemical application of shape and phase dependant copper sulphide for costeffective next generation supercapacitive energy storage: A review
Arya Das, Mamata Mohapatra, Suddhasatwa Basu

Recent advances in photodetection applications of two dimensional MoS2 nanostructures
Bishnu Pada Majee, Ashish Kumar Mishra

Weakly coupled metal-semiconductor plasmonic nanoparticles in solution
Bhaskar Saha, Salil S. Vaidya, Kaustav Bhattacharjee, Bhagavatula L. V. Prasad

Prospective of titania based photocatalyst for environmental reduction reactions
Trilochan Mishra

Some notable experiments of graphene
Ranjan K Sahu


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