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Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science
Year : 2020, Volume : 62, Issue : 3and4
First page : ( 103) Last page : ( 126)
Print ISSN : 0972-4257. Online ISSN : 0974-1267.

Recent advances in photodetection applications of two dimensional MoS2 nanostructures

Majee Bishnu Pada, Mishra Ashish Kumar*

School of Materials Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi-221005, India

*Corresponding Author, E-mail: akmishra.mst@iitbhu.ac.in

Online published on 12 April, 2021.


Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) with unique properties have received a great attention of scientific community in recent years. Among the TMDs family, MoS2 has been already established as an intriguing building block for the next generation optoelectronics, such as photodetectors. The optoelectronic device performance of TMDs are known to be layer dependent. The MoS2 shows excellent light absorption and is found stable in natural environment, which make it suitable for optoelectronic devices. In the present review article, we discuss different synthesis processes for 2D-MoS2 and have summarized few important studies on the photodetection application of different morphologies of MoS2 nanostructures. Here, we discuss the different MoS2 based photodetectors comprising of p-n junction photodiode and the metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) junction.



Transition metal dichalcogenides, MoS2, Top down approach, Bottom up approach, Photodetector, P-n junction device, MSM device.


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