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Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science
Year : 2020, Volume : 62, Issue : 3and4
First page : ( 89) Last page : ( 93)
Print ISSN : 0972-4257. Online ISSN : 0974-1267.

Spectroscopic changes in conventional magnetorheological fluid and graphene oxide based magnetorheological fluid with combustion method

Bisht Kunal Singh1, Sah Kaveri2

1Chemical Engineer of RI Nanotech India, Plot No. 92, Sector- IIDC, SIDCUL, Pantnagar, Rudrapur, Uttarakhand-263153, India

2Lab Scientist of RI Nanotech India, Plot No. 92, Sector- IIDC, SIDCUL, Pantnagar, Rudrapur, Uttarakhand-263153, India

Online published on 12 April, 2021.


A comparative spectroscopic analysis of conventional Magnetorheological fluid and Graphene Oxide based Magnetorheological fluid. Raman spectra have been recorded using 532 nm laser excitation. The down shifted G-band of Graphene Oxide observed at 1576.42 cm−1 due to the doubly degenerate zone center E2g mode and 2D band at 2702.58 cm−1 confirms the presence of Graphene Oxide. UV - VIS Absorption spectrum of GO based MR fluid has been recorded of π-π plasmon peak at 233.82 cm−1 while a broad band is displayed in conventional Magnetorheological fluid. Here, Graphene Oxide used in Magnetorheological fluid is prepared by combustion method of separating Graphene layers by controlled oxidation. This analysis shows highly efficient, unequivocal, non-destructive identification of Graphene Oxide in Magnetorheological fluid.


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