Author Guidelines
Guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts for publishing in "Journal of Medical Erudite"
The authors should submit their manuscript in MS-Word in single column, the name of the corresponding author should be highlighted by putting an asterisk, with which all the future correspondence shall be made. This should be followed by an affiliation and complete official addresses & E-mail ID. As per the following guidelines, the manuscript should be organized to have Title page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material & Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion and References. The manuscript should not exceed 12 pages.
Times New Roman typeface should be used.
Title should be set in upper case, bold, 14-font size.
Block quotations and footnotes should be set in 10-font size.
The abstract, acknowledgements, and the main body of the essay should be set in 12-font size.
If there is a dedication, it should be in upper case, bold, 12-font size.
The first line of all paragraphs should be indented one tab key from the left-hand margin.
The main body text should be left aligned.
In the main body, use 1.5-line spacing.
Leave one line space before a heading
Do not leave a line after the heading.
Do not leave a line between paragraphs.
Take margin of 1 inch (Left, Right, Top & Bottom) on A4 paper.
Page numbers should be placed on the right side at the bottom of the page.
Each page in the dissertation, from the body onward, should be numbered in consecutive order. This includes the text, references, and appendices.
Preliminary pages carry lowercase Roman numerals.
British or American spellings may be used; as long as they are used consistently throughout the paper. Bullets should be aligned with the paragraph i.e. they should be indented one tab key from the margin.
Tables and figures must be included in the same file as the text in the end of the manuscript. Figures must be inserted into the document in JPEG or Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) format.
Abbreviations should be spelt out in full for the first time they appear and their abbreviated form included in brackets immediately after.
Diagrams and Figures:
Figures should be entered in one column (center aligned) and should not exceed 6-inch total width. A minimum line width of 1 point is required at actual size. Annotations should be in Times New Roman 12 point with only the first letter capitalized. The figure caption should be preceded by 'Figure' followed by the figure number. For example, 'Figure 10.
Photographs and illustrations:
Image files should be optimized to the minimum possible size without compromising the quality. The figures should have a resolution of 300 dpi.
Using the appropriate editor, each equation should appear on a new line. The equations referred to in the text, should be numbered sequentially with their identifier enclosed in parenthesis, right justified. The symbols, where referred to in the text, should be italicized. E=mc2
Please follow standard manual of style i.e.
Vancouver manual of style (
Submission fees:
After acceptance, author will have to pay Rs. 1500.00 for one article in favour of "SOCIETY FOR ERUDITE SCHOLARS". (Regd. Office: RZ -2038/26, SECOND FLOOR, TUGHLAKABAD EXTN., NEW DELHI -110 019)
Address for Submission of Article:
Dr. Tanveer Ahmad
Faculty of Dentistry
Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi-110025
The manuscript must be submitted in Ms -Word with covering letter, original manuscript, and undertaking by author(s) and Copy right transfer agreement to the Editor-in-Chief as an email attachment to and above mentioned address. The author(s) should send a signed declaration form mentioning that, the matter embodied in the manuscript is original and copyrighted material used during the preparation of the manuscript and has been duly acknowledged. The declaration should also carry consent of all the authors for its submission to Journal of Medical Erudite. The authors shall also assign the copyright of the manuscript to the publisher.