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Journal of Medical Erudite

Publisher: Satish Serial publications
Print ISSN: 2278-1927
Online ISSN: 2349-2112
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: June and December

Journal of Medical Erudite aims to provide latest research and advances in the field of medical, Dental andAllied health sciences etc. The journal addresses what is new, significant and practicable. Journal of Medical Erudite will be published bi- annually by Satish Serial Publications, New Delhi.Initially, the Journal will have print versions only. The journal will publish original research papers, review articles and communications,peer-reviewedby national and international researchers who are experts in their respective fields.
The original manuscripts that enhance the level of research and contribute new developments to the medical education and ethics sector are encouraged. Journal of Medical Erudite (JME) is a multidisciplinary journal, integrating research in different streams of medical sciences. The journal covers experimental and clinical studies related to basic medical sciences and their applied aspects in animals and humans, including diagnostic studies, therapeutic intervention and social issues. Journal will cater to the need of the researcher having special interest in the field of medical ethics and information. Studies on clinical aspects, epidemiological studies, cost-effective analysis and bio-ethics will be under the scope of the journal. The journal is expected to help researchers, technologist and policy makers in the key sector of medical education, medical research, medical information and bio-medical ethics to enhance their understanding of it. The manuscripts must be unpublished and should not have been submitted for publication elsewhere.

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