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Journal of Mathematics and Systems Sciences
Year : 2017, Volume : 13, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( 57) Last page : ( 70)
Print ISSN : 0975-5454.

Double Diffusive and Dissipative Visco-Elastic Fluid Flow in Porous Medium

Dr. Bhardwaj Ravita

Assistant Professor-Mathematics, G.G.D.S.D. College, Palwal, Haryana, E-mail: ravitabhardwaj@yahoo.com

Online published on 31 August, 2017.


Present paper deals with the problem of unsteady MHD free convective, incompressible electrically conducting, double diffusive Visco-Elastic fluid through porous medium bounded by an infinite inclined porous plate in the presence of constant suction, viscous dissipation and heat absorption. A magnetic field of uniform strength is assumed to be applied normal to the plate. The equations governing the fluid flow have been solved using multi-parameter perturbation technique, subject to the relevant boundary conditions. It is noted that the velocity of the fluid is increased as Soret number, permeability parameter, Grashof number and suction parameter increase, whereas reverse phenomenon is observed in case of magnetic field strength and sink strength. Velocity and Temperature are greater for mercury than that of electrolytic solution. Rate of heat transfer decreases with increase in the sink strength and the rate of mass transfer also decrease with an increase in thermal diffusion number. The results are discussed through graphs and tables.



Viscos-Elastic fluid, MHD, Free convection, heat and Mass transfer flow, suction.


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