Editorial Board
Chief Editor
Dr. T. P. Singh
Professor & Research Advisor (Maths & O.R.)
2255, Sector-17, HUDA,
Jagadhri (Yamuna Nagar) -135 003 Haryana, India
Ph. : 01732-225192; (M) 09354561191
Mail: tpsingh78@yahoo.com, aryabhatlajmi@gmail.com
Associate Editors
Dr. Deepak Gupta
Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Maths, MM Engg. College
Maharishi Markandeshar University
Mullana, Ambala (India) Pin: 133207
Mail - guptadeepak2003@yahoo.co.in
Dr. Vinod Kumar
Professor & HOD, Dept. of Maths,
SBMN Engg. College & University,
Asthal Bohr, Rohtak, Haryana
Mail: kakoriavinod@gmail.com
Editorial Board
Dr. R.P. Singh
Research Advisor & Former Associate Professor,
Department of Mathematics, LR (PG) College,
Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, (U.P.), India
E-mail: drrpsingh2010@gmail.com
Prof. Aquil Ahmed
Department of Statistics & Operations Research,
Aligarh Mushlim University,
Aligarh, India.
Email: aqlstat@yahoo.com.in, aquilahmed.st@amu.ac.in
Dr Rajeev Kumar
Associate Professor,
Department of Mathematics,
M.D. University, Rohtak, India
E-mail: drrajeevmdu@gmail.com
Dr. Meera Bamba
Assistant Professor,
Department of Commerce,
Indira Gandhi University,
Meerpur, Rewari (Haryana), India
Email: meerabamba@gmail.com, meera.commerce@igu.ac.in
Managing Editor
Er. Abhishek Pralap Singh
Sr. Manager, Deloitte Co. Mclean
Virginia (U.S.A) 22101.
Technical Support: Dev Varta Pratap Singh
Mail: abhishek.ps@gmail.com