Journal Impact Factor (JIF): A Study Sharma Jogen Junior Library Assistant, Management Development Institute Murshidabad, Jangipur, West Bengal, India, Email: jogen.sharma2@gmail.com Online Published on 16 August, 2022. Abstract An impact factor is a scientometric tool that assesses the quality of journals and publications. But it hasn't been, and it won't be the only one. The number of times that has been referenced in a paper for various reasons should not be overvalued without assessing the true merit of the study. This article tries to be published in this journal impact factor calculation and process. Also, I tried to find a way to find a lot of good impact journals. Knowing the impact factor's limitations is also an important thing for every researcher. “Impact factor (IF) is a measure of the number of times an average paper in a journal is cited, during a year. Clarivate Analytics releases the Journal Impact Factors annually as part of the Web of Science Journal Citation Reports®. Only journals listed in the Science Citation Index Expanded® (SCIE) and Social Sciences Citation Index® (SSCI) receive an Impact Factor.” (Journal Impact Factor 2022). Top Keywords Journal Impact Factor, JIF, Impact factor. Top | | |
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