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Journal of Library and Information Communication Technology
Year : 2022, Volume : 11, Issue : 1
First page : ( 40) Last page : ( 46)
Print ISSN : 2278-3482. Online ISSN : 2456-9399.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2456-9399.2022.00005.0

Initiation of web based information services in research libraries

Saxena Sugandha1, Dr. Shrivastava Jitendra2

1Library Professional, University of Delhi, Email: sugandhadelhiuniversity@gmail.com

2Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Maharani Laxmibai Government College of Excellence, Gwalior, Jiwaji University, Gwalior

Online Published on 16 August, 2022.


The impact of Information Communication and technology has utterly revamped the meaning of information accessing and learning in 21st century as different types of web-based products and resources are provided by the information centres/libraries. Due to emergence of new subject areas and disciplines, the information needs of the research community changes constantly. In perspective of a research library where one needs to focus on ever-growing demands of research scientists and scholars and must update the information in a regular and timely manner. Information needs of researchers are influenced by many factors such as the research environment, types of information resources available and their preference to these resources. Web based tools and technologies have changed the way of storage, retrieval, and communication of information. This paper discusses the different steps involved in planning and implementation of web-based products and services in research libraries. It gives a picture to represents the requirements such as networking, infrastructure management, information retrieval tools, storage and backup procedures and policies to provide efficient information services to the clientele. It also highlights the need of skilled and trained library professionals for the development of web-based information services so that the information needs of the research fraternity can be satisfied in the best possible ways.



Research Libraries, Web services, Planning, Information, Products.


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