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Journal of Library and Information Communication Technology
Year : 2021, Volume : 10, Issue : 2
First page : ( 50) Last page : ( 54)
Print ISSN : 2278-3482. Online ISSN : 2456-9399.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2456-9399.2021.00014.6

Update of laws in library and information science it's a time to reinvent and reposition and stay relevant with cloud computing: Descriptive study

Lndrakumara1, Raghunandana M2

1Research Sholoar, Department of Library and Information Science, Bangalore University

2Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Bangalore University

Online Published on 28 February, 2022.


Users'interest for delivery of library assets is relied upon to develop powerfully, prompting appeal for data and asses and utility (JCT). The assets accessible from the library and data focus may not be adequate to satisfy the needs of library clients. The answer for your library and data focus should utilize Cloud Computing. The objective off distributed computing is to make cost investment funds on machine, equipment, programming, and assets improved among library clients where various clients need various things. This archive is expected to take on distributed computing in the library and data focus, which will be a new and exceptionally helpful innovation to utilize library assets as far as the major laws offlibrary science.



Library, Users, Location, Services, ICT, Information, Cloud Computing.


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