Converging Media: A Study of Emerging Relationship between Blogging and Journalism Shukla Akanksha Senior Lecturer, Amity School of Communication, Amity University, Lucknow Campus, Uttar Pradesh, India Abstract This paper deals with the convergence in media as represented by the news producers and the bloggers in the networking environment mutually shared by them. There is an inter-relatedness right from the selection and the broadly highlighted news as against others are a borrowed vision and the verbosity contained along with the inter-relatedness in opinion are valid messages from the new makers’ desk. Most issues that took birth as individual blogs were adapted in other forms of media coverage. Is it a mere coincidence or do frames transcend the narrative in the media industry. There have been a lasting impact of the use of internet in our private lives. Is there a measure of this impact? The prospects are dual as media providers push their content into the new media to increase the readership and at the same time the cyberspace reverberates issues that resound the original narrative of the main stream of media thus increasing depth and feedback on the issue. The paper here is descriptive and analytical in character, drawing heavily from current issues that rocked the Indian press in the last year. A handful off our case studies have been quoted in the process that depict how individual blogs and social networking sites brought people together to demonstrate on issues, pressured the main stream media to take cognisance of the issue and finally how the government was forced to act. Top Keywords Convergence, Social Movements, Media, Democracy, Framing, Blogging. Top | | | |
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