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Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science
Year 2011, Volume-59, Issue-4 (December)
Print ISSN : 0019-638X
Online ISSN : 0974-0228

Table of contents

Delineation and Characterization of Waterlogged and Salt-affected Soils in Gandak Command Area of Bihar for Reclamation and Management
R.C. Sharma, A.K. Mandal, Ranbir Singh

Salt and Water Balance Studies using SALTMOD for Tungabhadra Command, Peninsular India
M.V. Manjunatha, R.J. Oosterbaan, J. Boonstra, M. Hebbara

Effective Soil Volume - A Prime Consideration for Fertilizer Management in Rubber
D.V.K. Nageswara Rao, K.R. Vijayakumar

Effect of Organic Manures on Soil Physicochemical Properties, Soil Microbial Biomass and Yield of Mustard under Irrigation of Different Residual Sodium Carbonate Waters
Neetu Pareek, B.L. Yadav

Potassium Leaching from Two Texturally Variable Potato Growing Alluvial Soils of North-Western India
Vikas Sharma, K.N. Sharma

Cadmium Sorption Behaviour of Coffee-growing Soils of South India
Maria Violet D'Souza, B.S. Sherigara, S.M. Prasanna, Hareesh B.S., Jayarama

Phosphorus Management in Maize-Onion Cropping Sequence under Rainfed Temperate Conditions of Inceptisol
S.R. Singh, G.R. Najar, Ummed Singh, J.K. Singh

Integrated Use of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers with Bio-inoculants on Yield, Soil Fertility and Quality of Apple (Malus domestica)
S.R. Singh, M.Y. Zargar, G.R. Najar, F.A. Peer, M.I. Ishaq

Zinc Requirement of Hybrid Rice - Bhendi and its influence on Zinc Fractions in an Alfisol of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
M. Chandini Patnaik, A. Sreenivasa Raju, G. Bhupal Raj

Distribution of Arsenic in Groundwater and Surface Soils in South Western Districts of Punjab
Vicky Singh, M.S. Brar, Preeti Sharma, B.S. Brar

Short Communications

Characteristics and Use Potential of Sodic and Associated Soils in CSSRI Experimental Farm, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
R.C. Sharma, A.K. Mandal, Ranbir Singh, Y.P. Singh

Characterization of Salt-affected Soils of Bhind District of Madhya Pradesh
S.R.S. Raghuwanshi, S.C. Tiwari, S. Prabha, O.P.S. Raghuwanshi, D.S. Sasode, R. Umat

Available Micronutrient Status and their Relationship with Soil Properties of Mokala Soil Series of Rajasthan
Rajendra Bhanwaria, P.R. Kameriya, B.L. Yadav

Integrated Effect of Sulphur and Farmyard Manure on Yield, Quality of Crops and Nutrient Status under Rapeseed-Rice Cropping System in Fluventic Dystrochrept
A. Basumatary, M.C. Talukdar

Effect of Moisture Regimes, Zinc and Iron Levels on Yield, Water Use Efficiency and Nutrient Uptake in Chilli + Cotton Mixed Cropping System
P.L. Patil, B.M. Radder, Y.R. Aladakatti

Heavy Metals in Sewage Waters and their Relative Availability in Some Peri-urban Soils of Haryana
Daleep Kumar, R.S. Malik, R.P. Narwal


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