Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science
Year 1957, Volume-5, Issue-4 (December)
Print ISSN : 0019-638X
Online ISSN : 0974-0228 Table of contents Physico-Chemical Properties of Some West Bengal Clays M. Adhikaki The Effects of Continuous Manuring and Cropping on the Crop Yields, Nitrifying Power of the Soil and Nitrogen uptake by Plants P. Sinha Studies on Some Sands Collected from two Bore Holes at Hijli, Kharagpur, West Bengal T. C. Bagchi, C. Nakasimha Rao Phosphating of the Green Manure Crop A. D. Desai, T. Seshagiri Rao, V. Seethaeama Rao Morphological, Physico-Chemical and Chemical Characteristics of Apple Growing Soils of Himachal Pradesh B. K. Sharma, K. S. K. Rao Erosion and its Control Bishan Mansingh Effect of De-Fatting on the Manurial Value of Groundnut Cake A. D. Desai, T. Seshagiri Rao Excretion of Nitrogen from the Roots of Guar Bean-Cyamopsis psoraloides R. B. Rewari, Abhiswar Sen, S. L. Pandey Effect of Low and High Nitrogen Materials on Nodulation of Pea in Delhi Soil V. K. Misra, Abhiswar Sen Top |
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