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Instructions for Contributors

Hints for the preparation and submission of papers

Full-length articles, short communications, and book reviews, and review articles are published in the Journal. From June 2004 onwards, rupees one hundred per printed page have been introduced for the articles (exempting being invited lectures, reports, obituary) published in the Journal. Review articles and book reviews are only by invitation. Full-length articles and short communications should report results of original investigations in Soil Science or kindred branches of science. The author or at least one of the authors (in case of joint authorship) should
be member of the Indian Society of Soil Science and not in arrears of subscriptions.

Once it is decided to contribute an article or a short communication for publication in the Journal, it is advisable for the contributors to consult a current issue of the Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science for style of presentation and other minute details. The intending contributors are also requested to follow rigorously the ‘Instructions for the Preparation of Manuscript for the Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science’ as printed in the Journal (Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, Volume 55, No. 1, pp 90-95, 2007).

No abbreviations of periodicals are acceptable. The list of references should be typed as follows:

Black, C.A. (1968) Soil-Plant Relationships, Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York. pp 40-45.

Kanwar, J.S. and Raychaudhuri, S.P. (1971) Review of Soil Research in India, Indian Society of Soil Science, New Delhi. pp 30-36.

Mukherjee, J.N. (1953) The need for delineating the basic soil and climatic regions of importance to the plant industry. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 1, 1-6.

Khan, S.K., Mohanty, S.K. and Chalam, A.B. (1986) Integrated management of organic manure and fertilizer nitrogen for rice. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 34, 505-509.

Thind, H.S., Bhajan Singh and Gill, M.S. (1984) Relative efficiency of nitrogenous fertilizers for rice-wheat rotation. In: Nitrogen in Soils, Crops and Fertilizers. Bulletin of the Indian Society of Soil Science 13, 181-184.

Bijay-Singh and Yadvinder-Singh (1997) Green manuring and biological N fixation: North Indian perspective. In: Plant Nutrient Needs, Supply, Efficiency and Policy Issues: 2000-2025 (J.S. Kanwar and J.C. Katyal, Eds.), pp 29-44. National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi, India.

Figures include diagrams and photographs. Laser print outs of line diagrams are acceptable while dotmatrix print outs will be rejected. Alternatively, each illustration can be drawn on white art card or tracing cloth/paper, using proper stencil. The lines should be bold and of uniform thickness. The numbers and letterings must be stenciled; free-hand drawing will not be accepted. Size of the illustrations as well as numbers, and letterings should be sufficiently large to stand suitable reduction in size. Overall size of the illustrations should be such that on reduction, the size will be the width of single or double column of the printed page of the Journal. Legends, if any, should be included within the illustration. Each illustration should have a number followed by a caption typed/ typeset well below the illustration. Title of the article and name(s) of the author(s) should be written sufficiently below the caption. The photographs (black and white) should have a glossy finish with sharp contrast between the light and the dark areas. Colour photographs/ figures are not normally accepted. One set of the original figures must be submitted along with the manuscript, while the second set can be photocopy.

Careful observation of hints as indicated above will facilitate quick handling of the manuscript and printing of the paper.

One soft copy (preferably through email) + two hard copies or typed manuscript (one top copy and a carbon copy), complete in all respects should be sent to:

Indian Society of Soil Science
Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi - 110 012 (India)
: 0091-11-25841991;
Fax: 0091-11-25841529; E-mail: isss1934@yahoo.com ; Website: www.isss-india.org

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