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Journal of Information Management
Year 2016, Volume-3, Issue-2 (July-December)
Print ISSN : 2348-1765
Online ISSN : 2348-1773

Table of contents

Content analysis of websites of central university libraries in Delhi, India: a study
Dr. M.P. Singh, Virendra Kumar Gautam

Libraries on change: from stacks to smart gadgets
Akanksha Tripathi, Reena Mishra, Amit Kumar Pal

Utilization of library resources and services by girl students of women colleges of Varanasi (U.P.): A Survey
Ravi Kant Singh, Dr. A. P. Singh

Grey literature: development towards information society
Arpita Ghose, Sourav Ghosal

Role of social networking in the libraries
Indra Singh Negi


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