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Year : 2016, Volume : 3, Issue : 2
First page : ( 15) Last page : ( 22)
Print ISSN : 2348-1765. Online ISSN : 2348-1773. Published online : 2016  1.

Libraries on Change: From Stacks to Smart Gadgets

Tripathi Akanksha1,*, Mishra Reena2,**, Pal Amit Kumar3,***

1Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida

2Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida

3Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida





This article presents an analysis of current scenario in smart phone or mobile tools and applications for libraries which also includes the use of Internet in libraries and information centers for service providing by the implementation of Short Message Service, message Alerts and multimedia tools by using mobiles and smart GADGETS. Studies smart phone search providers and latest powerful apps for information seekers and library professionals. Evaluates the current practices of smart phone/mobile gadgets, providing an outline of tools, suppliers, and features, defining the numerous expertise these instrument support for flourishing use of library, aiming how library/information centers and our library professionals are acknowledging with amenities personalized for these smart gadgets and what more can be implement by libraries and information centers in upcoming years in the same zone.



Mobile communication systems, Mobile Application, Mobile Devices, Smart Gadget, Electronic Resources, Information management.


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