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Journal of Immunology and Immunopathology
Year : 2002, Volume : 4, Issue : 1&2
First page : ( 97) Last page : ( 100)
Print ISSN : 0972-0561.

Immunopathological effects of quinalphos on humoral immune response in chickens

Garg Seema, Singh B.P., Chauhan R.S.

Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary Sciences, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263 145, Udham Singh Nagar, (Uttaranchal), INDIA.


study the effect of quinalphos on humoral immune response in chickens, 80 chicks of one week age were used and divided into two equal groups. These chicks were vaccinated with Ranikhet disease vaccine at day 4 and IBD at day 15. Group I chicks were kept as control while group II was given quinalphos daily at a dose rate of 8 ppm orally for 2 months in feed. Serum globulin and gamma globulin were estimated in serum at one week interval. Specific humoral immune response against Ranikhet disease and Infectious Bursal disease vaccine was measured by ELISA. B-lymphocyte blastogenesis assay was performed using lipopolysaccharide as mitogen. There was a significant suppression in serum globulin, gamma globulin and specific antibody titre against Ranikhet disease and IBD. B-lymphocyte blastogenesis was found to be reduced in chicks fed quinalphos in comparison to controls indicating immunosuppressive effect of quinalphos.


Key words

Quinalphos, IBD vaccine, Immunopathology, Ranikhet disease vaccine.


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