Immunomodulating study of ovalbumin on experimental animal Pandey A.N.1, Saxena A.K.2, Srivastava M.1, Mahata S.1, Chauhan U.K.1 1Centre for Biotechnology Swdies, School of Environmental Biology, A.P.S. University, Rewa - 486003, India. 2Department of Immunobiology, I.T.R.C. Lucknow, 226001, India. Abstract evaluate immunomodulation effect of Ovalbumin, 20 Druckrey strain of rats were selected as an experimental animal model. The animals were daily exposed to 1mg and 2.5mg Ovalbumin by Oral and I/P routes. There were 5 animals in each group, blood was collected at weekly intelval from orbital plexus and serum was separated for in vivo and in vitro testing. Allergenicity of Ovalbumin in Druckrey rat have been studied. Prelitninary experiment response to Ovalbumin have indicated that Oral doses of 2.5mg. for two weeks and three weeks have given enhanced allergic response. I/P route has also been tried but later longer exposure (seven weeks) has proved that the Oral route was the best to provoke the immune stimulation. Top Key words immune response, allergy, rat, ovalbumin. Top | | |
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