Cellular immune response to contagious pustular dermatitis virus Kumar Pawan, Batra S. K., Sharma R. Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary Sciences, Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar - 125004, INDIA. Abstract present investigation was carried out to determine the response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in lambs experimentally infected with CPD virus. A group of five lambs serologically negative for CPD virus antibodies were infected with CPD virus scab suspension whereas three lambs were kept as control group. The response of mononuclear cells in peripheral blood was studied by collecting blood at weekly intervals from lambs of both the groups and employing lymphoproliferative assay using virus specific antigen. A significant rise in virus specific stimulation index of PBMN cells from the infected animals was detected on day 7 and 14 post infection. A significant rise in level of nitric oxide production by the PBMN cells was observed on 7th day post infection. Top Key words CPD virus, LST, Nitric oxide. Top | | |
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