Antibacterial Activity of Liverwort Astrella Angusta St. Saxena Dinesh*, Singh Arti Department of Botany, Bareilly college, Bareilly *Dinesh.botany@gmail.com
Online published on 25 April, 2016. Abstract The antibacterial activity of Astrella angusta in ethanol as well as aqueous extract was assessed by disc diffusion method against four bacterial strains (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Salmonella typhi). The ethanol extracts of Astrella angusta have been proved to be active against all bacteria except clinically isolated Escherichia coli. All the tested bacteria were found to be more susceptible against the ethanolic extract of Astrella angusta in comparison to aqueous extract. Top Keywords Liverwort, Astrella angusta, antibacterial activity. Top | |
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