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Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine
Year : 2024, Volume : 46, Issue : 1suppl
First page : ( 128) Last page : ( 131)
Print ISSN : 0971-0973. Online ISSN : 0974-0848.
Article DOI : 10.48165/jiafm.2024.46.1(Suppl).6

Retrospective Study of Unidentified or Unclaimed bodies Brought for Autopsies at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Uttar Pradesh

Dode PS1,*, Bhattacharyya PS2, Khurana S3, Chand S4

1Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, TMMC & RC, Moradabad

2Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, NBMC & H, Darjeeling

3Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, GMC, Haldwani, UK

4Professor and Head, Department of Forensic Medicine, TMMC & RC, Moradabad

*Corresponding Author, Dr. Pramod Suryakantrao Dode, Email: dodepramod@gmail.com, Mobile No: +91 9730158488

Online Published on 26 July, 2024.


Identification is the process of determining a person's uniqueness. Practically in all autopsy centres throughout India, post-mortem examination of unidentified or unclaimed deceased remains a constant concern. There might be many causes for this. Although forensic specialists play a significant part in this identification procedure, investigating agencies are largely responsible for this. This is accomplished by working together using traditional and scientific methodologies. The aim was to study the profile of unidentified/unclaimed bodies in terms of age, sex, cause of death, seasonal variation, etc. The information was gathered from all unidentified/unclaimed deceased corpses submitted to the morgue for postmortem investigation at Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical Institution & Research Centre, a private medical college in Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, between January 1st, 2018, and December 31st, 2022. From April 2020 to December 2021 autopsy was stopped at this institute because of covid pandemic. 125 corpses in all were taken to the department's morgue for postmortem assessment over the time frame of the research. Males were more in number as compared to females; males – 111 cases and females - 13 cases. The age range of 41–50 years had the highest proportion of cases, followed by that of 31–40 years. Most of the deceased belonged to the Hindu religion. Most of the cases occurred between the January to March period. Most of the cases died because of natural death. In natural deaths, the most common system involved was the lung followed by the heart.



Identification, Unidentified body, Uttar Pradesh.


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