Age estimation in old individuals by CT scan of skull Dr. Singh Pardeep, Resident, Forensic Medicine, Dr. Oberoi S.S., Associate Professor, Forensic Medicine, Dr. Gorea R.K., Professor and Head, Forensic Medicine, Dr. Kapila A.K., Professor and Head, Radiology Govt. Medical College, Patiala Abstract Determination of age goes on becoming difficult as the age advances particularly after the age of 40 years with conventional methods. To overcome this problem the present study was carried out. In the present study 100 cases with age range of 40 to 70 years were taken. The study was carried out to estimate timings of suture closure with the help of axial sections at different levels of sutures of skull on CT scan. The closures of lambdoid, parieto-mastoid, coronal and squamous sutures were studied and grading was done depending upon closure of sutures. Each suture was found to close at particular age group. Each individual was exposed to CT scan and 3 axial sections (cuts) were taken for each individual. Each suture was found to close at particular age group. Top | | | |
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