Pattern of finger-prints in different ABO blood groups Dr. Bharadwaja A., Senior Demonstrator, Anatomy, Dr. Saraswat P.K., Professor & Head, Forensic Medicine, Dr. Aggarwal S.K., Professor & Head, Anatomy, Dr. Banerji P., Ex-Professor & Head, Anatomy, Dr. Bharadwaja S., Ex-Resident, Medicine J.L.N. Medical College, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India Abstract Finger print (dactylography/dermatoglyphic) is considered as the best tool of identification. This study was carried out in 2000–2001 on 300 students of different ABA blood groups of Medical College, Ajmer with two objectives, viz. (a) To study distribution of finger print pattern among the subjects having different ABO and Rh blood group and (b) Correlate any relation between their characters and blood groups. Male: female ratio was 2.4:1. Majority of the subjects (38.33%) in the study were of blood group A followed by blood group B, A and AB of whom 95.67% were Rh-positive. The general distribution of pattern of finger print showed high frequency (51.87%) of loops whereas whorls were moderate (35.83%) and arches were least (12.30%) in frequency. Almost same order was noticed in both Rh-positive and Rh-negative individuals or A, B, AB and O blood groups. Blood group A showed more loops (Rh + ve 54.26%, Rh −ve 60%) while, blood group AB had more whorls (Rh + ve 43.34%, Rh −ve 60%). The study suggests an association between finger print pattern and blood group. The distribution of different pattern of finger prints in individual fingers also showed some peculiarities in relation to blood group. The total finger ridge count (TFRC) was significantly greater in blood group B. Top Key words Finger Print, Dermatoglyphic, Dactylography, Identification. Top |