Email id

Editorial Board


Dr. Manish Nigam
Professor & Head
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicolgy
Government Medical College,
Madhya Pradesh
Email: editorjiafm2022@gmail.com

Joint Editor

Dr. Siddhartha Das
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicolgy
Email: jointeditor.jiafm2022@gmail.com

Associate Editor

Dr. Mandar R Sane
Associate Professor
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Email: drmrsane@gmail.com

Dr. Narendra Patel
Associate Professor
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicolgy
Government Medical College,
Madhya Pradesh
Email: drnspatel30@gmail.com

Asssistant Editor

Dr. Vivek K. Chouksey
Assistant Professor
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicolgy
Government Medical College,
Madhya Pradesh
Email: vivekchoukseymd@gmail.com

Governing Council (2022-2025)


Dr. Mukesh Yadav

General Secretary

Dr. Manish Kumath


Dr. Sudhir Ninave


North Zone: Dr. Vijay Pal Khanagwal South Zone: Dr. Pragnesh Parmar East Zone: Dr. Geeta Sahu
West Zone: Dr. Shailesh C Mohite Central Zone: Dr. Adarsh Kumar

Joint Secretary

North Zone: Dr. Ajay Kumar South Zone: Dr. Kusa K. Saha East Zone: Dr. Bijay K. Prasad
West Zone: Dr. Rajesh B Sukhadeve Central Zone: Dr. Dhiraj Buchade


Dr. Manish Nigam

Joint Editor

Dr. Siddhartha Das

Executive Members

Ex-Office Members
Dr. P. C. Vyas
(Past President),
Dr. Amit Kumar Bhardwaj

Elected Members

North Zone: Dr. Hitesh Chawla Dr. Amandeep Singh
South Zone: Dr. Naga Mohan Rao Dr. Rajesh D.R.
East Zone: Dr. Tapas Kumar Bose Dr. Gunajit Das
West Zone: Dr. Madhu Ghodkirekar Dr. Mandar Sane
Central Zone: Dr. S.K. Dadu Dr. Pawan A Wankhade

Editorial Team


Dr. Manish Nigam

Joint Editor

Dr. Siddhartha Das

Associate Editor

Dr. Mandar R Sane

Dr. Narendra Patel

Statistical & Language Editor

Dr. Richa Nigam

Assistant Editor

Dr. Vivek K. Chouksey

Technical Editor

Chain Singh Lodhi

International Advisory Board

Dr. Derek Congram Dr. Stephen Cordner Dr. Cuthbert Teo
Dr. Deepika Jadhav Dr. George Paul Dr. Ritesh G Menezes
Dr. Leandro Duarte De Carvalho Dr. Clifford Perera Dr. Noel Woodford

National Advisory Board

Prof. (Dr.) R.K. Gorea Prof. (Dr.) B.D. Gupta Prof. (Dr.) Tapas K. Bose
Prof. (Dr.) Mukesh Yadav Prof. (Dr.) C.B. Jani Prof. (Dr.) Dasari Harish
Prof. (Dr.) Shailesh Mohite Prof. (Dr.) Adarsh Kumar Prof. (Dr.) Arneet Arora
Prof. (Dr.) A.J. Patowary Dr. Chandan Bandyopadhyay Dr. Tanuj Kanchan
Dr. Sanjay Gupta Dr. Soumeek Chowdhari Dr. Hitesh Chawla
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