Studies on enhancing quality and shelf-life of Starkspur Golden Delicious apple by pre-harvest spray Barwal Vishal Singh* Regional Horticultural Research and Training Station, Mashobra, Shimla, 171 007, (HP) *E mail: vbarwal3@gmail.com
Online published on 13 January, 2020. Abstract The study was conducted to enhance postharvest quality and shelf-life of fruits by preharvest sprays of calcium chloride at different concentrations after 60 days from full bloom (DFFB) in plants of Starkspur Golden Delicious apple at RHRTS orchard, Mashobra, Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh. Fruits were harvested at commercial maturity, packed in corrugated fibre board cartons in trays and kept at room temperature. The fruits were evaluated for quality attributes after 14, 28 and 42 days of storage intervals. It was observed that unsprayed fruits (control) were bigger in size and exhibited less firmness at harvest maturity than sprayed fruits. Physiological loss in weight (PLW) and soluble solids concentration (SSC) increased and firmness decreased continuously of fruits during storage. Less PLW and high firmness was observed in calcium chloride sprayed fruits during shelf-life of 42 days. SSC increased with increase in storage interval up to 28 days in calcium sprayed fruits irrespective of concentrations. Fruits sprayed with 1% calcium chloride after 60 DFFB had significantly high fruit firmness, low PLW and overall acceptability remained good (>4.0) up to 42 days of storage period. Top Keywords Starkspur Golden Delicious apple, preharvest sprays, days from full bloom, quality, shelf-life. Top | |
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