Influence of socio-economic factors on the existing shifting cultivation practice in Champhai district of Mizoram Thong Pentile1, Pebam Rocky2, Thangjam Uttam1, Sahoo Uttam Kumar2,* 1Department of Forestry, Mizoram University, Tanhril, Aizawl-796004 2North-Eastern Space Applications Centre, Umiam, Meghalaya-793103 *E mail:
Online published on 13 January, 2020. Abstract The North-eastern states of India accounts for almost 86% of total shifting cultivation area of the country. However, shortening of fallow period in recent years have imposed a severe ecological threat to environment in the region. This study examines the basic socio-economic situation of the farmers and its relation to the dynamic nature of shifting cultivation on a regional level. Socioeconomic survey was conducted in Champhai at household level using questionnaires and was then correlated with the existing shifting cultivation practice in the study area. Our results revealed that site selection for cultivation was done based on the soil type, slope, aspect and distance from the road with majority of the farmers preferring the soil type. The cropping period and crop type also varied depending upon the bio-physical variables of the sampled villages. The factors like farmers’ age, annual income and family size influenced the dynamic nature of shifting cultivation and the multi-cropping nature of shifting cultivation associated with cultural ethics were the prime reasons for continuation of shifting cultivation in Champhai landscape. Top Keywords Shifting cultivation, fallow period, socio-economic, questionnaire, Champhai. Top |