Effect of botanical extracts on dose and speed of kill of granulosis virus against Pieris brassicae Sood Pankaj* Krishi Vigyan Kendra, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Sundernagar-175 019, Distt, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India *E mail: pankajplp@rediffmail.com
Online published on 13 January, 2020. Abstract The effect of botanical extracts on the speed of kill of Pieris brassicae granulosis virus (PbGV) was evaluated to examine the insecticidal effect on the PbGV. The synergistic action of different botanical extracts was evident in terms of reduction in median lethal time (LT50) and median lethal dose (LD50) for different botanical extracts. Among extracts, petroleum-ether extract of neem seed kernel (NSK) when combined with PbGV resulted in shortest LT50 (19.70 h) followed by petroleum-ether extract of Eupatorium adenophorum, methanolic extract of NSK and methanol extract of E. adenophorum for 2nd instar larvae of P. brassicae. These trends were found almost analogous in case of 3rd and 4th instar larvae of P.brassicae with petroleum-ether extracts of NSK and E.adenophorum resulting in reduced LT50 values. Likewise, it was observed that petroleum ether extract of NSK and E. adenophorum resulted in reduced LD50 against 2nd (432.43 and 439.27 OBs), 3rd (3894.79 and 3934.49 OBs) and 4th (41234.64 and 41644.44 OBs) instar larvae of P. brassicae followed by methanolic extract of NSK and E. adenophorum. The studies revealed that PbGV combined with botanical extracts could be more useful as a bioinsecticide in IPM programmes of cabbage butterfly (P. brassicae). Top Keywords Artemisia, cabbage butterfly, Eupatorium, LD50, LT50, neem. Top | |
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