Effect of pre-harvest bagging on fruit retention and quality parameters of litchi cv. Rose Scented Kholiya Khushbu*, Rao Vk, Sharma Sk1 Department of Horticulture 1Deparment of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263145, Uttarakhand, India *E mail: kholiyakhushbu14@gmail.com
Online published on 13 January, 2020. Abstract In order to evaluate the effect of bagging on fruit retention and quality in litchi, six different bagging materials namely brown paper bag (M1), white polythene bag (M2), black polythene bag (M3), red polythene bag (M4) muslin cloth (M5) and control (M6), were tested. Fruits were bagged 50 days (D1), 40 days (D2), 30 days (D3), 20 days (D4) and 10 days (D5) before harvest. Rest of the cultural operation were same for all fruits. Higher fruit retention per panicle was recorded in fruits bagged 10 days (D5) before normal harvest with brown paper bag (M1). Brown paper (M1) bagged fruits showed superior fruit colour as compared to control (unbagged) fruits. Sun burn and cracking percentage of litchi were significantly reduced by bagging treatments. Bagging caused significant variation in fruit weight and fruit volume of litchi. Fruit weight and fruit volume were highest when fruits were bagged with brown paper (M1) bag. High quality Rose Scented litchi fruits with least cracking, brown spotting and deep purplish pink colour appearance can be produced when fruits were bagged 50 days (D1) prior to harvest with brown paper bag (M1). It is a simple, cost-effective and eco-friendly technology for quality litchi production under tarai region of Uttarakhand. Top Keywords Ascorbic acid, discolouration, antioxidant, vase solution. Top |