Effects of various concentrations of GA3 and NAA on cuttings of hydrangea under shade net conditions Punetha Parul*, Rawat Tanuja, Bohra Mamta, Trivedi Himanshu1 Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, College of Horticulture, VCSG UUHF, Bharsar Pauri, Garhwal, Uttarakhand-246123 1Department of Agriculture Science and Engineering, IFTM, Moradabaad-244001 *E mail: parulpunetha@gmail.com
Online published on 13 January, 2020. Abstract The present investigation was carried out during rainy season 2015–2016 at an altitude of 1900 m amsl. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design having 13 treatments which comprised of different concentrations of GA3 and NAA and their combinations. Cuttings were made from healthy and partially mature shoots having 8–10 nodes. Cuttings were made up of pencil size diameter with the help of sharp secateurs. All the leaves were removed from shoots during preparation of cutting. Cuttings were taken early in the morning when leaves and shoots of stock plants were turgid. The basal portion was made just below the node without any injury to the bud and the proximal end, a slanting cut was made about 1.3 cm above the node. The result of the present investigation revealed that earliest days taken for first bud sprouting (9.43), maximum number of leaves per plant (12.76), number of shoots (2.03) were observed in T12 (100 ppm GA3 + 100 ppm NAA) and maximum number of buds T1 and T2 (1.80) was observed in (50 ppm GA3). Maximum % of rooted cutting (66.66) and maximum average diameter of thickest root (0.55) was found best in T8 i.e. 200 ppm NAA. Top Keywords Hydrangea, GA3, NAA, root parameters. Top |