Performance of capsicum under protected cultivation in cold arid region Kanwar MS*, Sharma OC Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Leh, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir -194 101, INDIA. *Email: mskanwar2004@rediffmail.com.
Abstract For making capsicum cultivation in cold arid region of Ladakh a successful and profitable venture, potential of various capsicum genotypes were evaluated for their performance under greenhouse conditions. Bharath, BSS-519 and Spinx were best for greenhouse cultivation under Ladakh, the cold arid region. We can also choose US-181 for cultivation of yellow coloured capsicum under protected conditions. However, non–significant differences were observed for plant height, number of fruits per plant and days to first harvest. Hybrid Bharath was earliest to marketable maturity with longest harvest season. Top Keywoards Capsicum, greenhouse, variation, heritability, Ladakh. Top | |
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