Impact of integrated nutrient management on soil nutrient status in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) cv. Chandler Umar I*, Wali VK, Kher R, Sharma A, Gupta N Division of Fruit Science, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, FOA, Main Campus Chatha, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir-180 009, India. *Rainfed Research Sub-station for Sub-tropical Fruits, Raya, Jammu and Kashmir-181 143, India, Email:
Abstract A field trial was conducted in 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 to assess the effect of integrated nutrient management on strawberry yield and soil nutrient status. There was a substantial increase in soil organic carbon and available nutrient content by poultry manure, urea and Azotobacter applied alone or in combination. The highest organic carbon content of 0.62% was recorded in treatments where full nitrogen as poultry manure + Azotobacter or 75% nitrogen through poultry manure + 25% nitrogen as urea + Azotobacter or 50% nitrogen through poultry manure + 50% nitrogen as urea + Azotobacter was applied. However, highest available N and phosphorous of 255.40 and 21.05 kg ha−1 was observed when 25% N was applied as poultry manure + 75% N through urea + Azotobacter whereas full N applied as poultry manure + Azotobacter resulted in highest available soil potassium (143.12 kg per ha−1). Calcium and magnesium build up was highest (7.98 and 2.95 meq 100g−1 soil) in treatment where full N was applied as urea + Azotobacter. Top Keywoards Available nitrogen, Azotobacter, poultry manure, urea. Top |