Influence of foliar application of micronutrients on the fruit quality of guava cv. Lucknow-49 Rawat V, Tomar YK, Rawat JMS* Department of Horticulture, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal), Uttarakhand- 246 174, India. *E mail:
Abstract The experiment was carried out during the rainy season of two successive years i.e., 2005 and 2006 on guava cv. Lucknow-49 (Sardar Guava) to improve the quality of fruits by foliar application of micronutrients i.e. zinc, copper and boron at 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4% alone and in combination of two and three, with control. TSS, total sugars, sugar-acid ratio and seed weight significantly improved whereas significant reduction in acidity was exhibited with the foliar application of zinc sulphate at 0.4% concentration. Application of boron at 0.4% concentration significantly increased the vitamin C and pectin content of the L-49 guava fruits. Thus micronutrient spray with 0.4% zinc sulphate and 0.4% boric acid are beneficial for improvement of fruit quality in guava. Top Keywoards Guava, Lucknow-49, micronutrients, zinc, copper, boron. Top |