Studies on yield and yield contributing characters in different genotypes of garlic (Allium sativum L.) Sharma N1, Gupta A2, Samnotra RK2 1Krishi Vigyan Kendra Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Poonch, Jammu and Kashmir - 185 101, India 2Division of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Faculty of Agriculture, Chatha, Jammu -180009, India *Email:
Abstract The experiments were conducted at two different locations one at the Farm of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Poonch located in the intermediate zone at an altitude of 1100 mamsl and other at Farmers Participatory Vegetable Research station Karllah Chenani in the temperate zone situated at an altitude of 1400 mamsl during Rabi seasons of 2007and 2008 to evaluate 12 local large segmented genotypes collected from different garlic growing areas of Jammu Division for plant growth characters as well as yield contributing traits. The pooled data for two years indicated that local collection LC-M-1 showed superiority for growth characters like number of leaves (9.4), leaf length (22.4 cm.), leaf weight (27.86 g) and took less number of days (168.24) for maturity as compared to other lines. The highest yield (178.45q/ha) and yield contributing traits like diameter of bulb (6.8 cm), fresh weight of bulb (65.7 g) and number of cloves per bulb (13.0) were recorded with LC-M-1 in Poonch closely followed by LC-M-2. Similarly in location 2 i.e. in temperate conditions, the genotype LC-M-2 showed superiority for growth and yield contributing traits closely followed by LC-M-1. The genotype recorded highest no. of leaves (9.7), leaf length (23.2cm.), fresh weight of leaves (28.5g) and took less no. of days to harvest(160.2).Also themaximumdiameter of bulb (7.3 cm), fresh weight of bulb (60.4 g), no. of cloves (15.0) per bulb and highest yield (189.5q/ha). Top Keywoards Garlic, genotypes growth, yield. Top |