Effect of retention of pedicel and packaging on storage behaviour of plum fruits Sharma SK*, Singh D, Nautiyal MC, Juyal S, Sati R C Department of Horticulture, College of Forestry and Hill Agriculture, GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Hill Campus Ranichauri, Distt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand - 249 199, India. *E mail: drsatish10@yahoo.com.
Abstract An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of retention of pedicel, atmosphere modification and storage of “Santa Rosa” plum fruits under different conditions. It was observed that there was an increase in the physiological loss in weight and TSS of the fruits during 15 days storage, while, the fruit firmness and titratable acidity declined consistently during the entire storage period. Further, these changes were minimum in the fruits harvested with pedicel, packed in polythene and those stored under ZECC. Group shrink wrapping of fruits on thermocol bowls of about 200 g capacity alongwith storage in zero energy cool chamber was significantly effective in reducing weight loss and rotting alongwith retention of firmness and chemical quality of fruits. Top Keywoards Plum, harvesting, storage, pedicel retention, MA packing, zero energy cool chamber. Top |