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Journal of Hill Agriculture
Year : 2010, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 59) Last page : ( 61)
Print ISSN : 0976-7606.

Seedling growth of Bartlett pear in response to exogenous chemical substances and stratification duration

Ganai NA*, Wani MS, Rather GH

Division of Pomology, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir -191121, India.

*Email: drghassan71@gmail.com.

Received:  26  May,  2010; Revised:  26  July,  2010; Accepted:  10  July,  2010.


Different chemical treatments viz., gibberellic acid, ethanol and thiourea were applied to pear seeds under three periods of stratification i.e., 30, 60 and 90 days. Maximum stem diameter (3.27 mm) was recorded under gibberellic acid 50 ppm. Stratification period of 90 days was found best to promote more stem diameter (3.20 mm) than other two stratification periods. Root diameter increased with an increase in levels of thiourea concentration and was recorded maximum (3.72 mm) at 2000 ppm. Inverse relationship in root diameter was found with stratification periods. The maximum root diameter (3.63 mm) was found at 30 days stratification period which decreased with an increase in stratification period. However, thiourea 2000 ppm under 30 days stratification period was found superior in inducing root diameter of pear seedlings in comparison to other treatment combinations. There was a marked increase in number or secondary roots as influenced by chemical treatments compared to control. Maximum number of secondary roots (48.66) was observed with thiourea 2000 ppm.Among the different stratification periods, maximum number (46.65) of secondary roots was observed in 30 days.



Pear, chemical substances, stratification, root and shoot growth.


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