Effect of different propagation and planting techniques on the performance of Picrorhiza kurroa Thakur MK1,*, chauhan R2, Dutt B2 1Regional Horticultural Research Station Bajaura, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh-175 125, India. 2Department of Forest Products, Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh-173 230, India. *E mail: drrajesh_25@yahoo.co.in.
Abstract Field trials were conducted to study the effect of different propagation and planting techniques on the performance of Picrorhiza kurroa at Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research Station, Rahla of Dr YS Parmar University, Solan, India, during 2005–06 and 2006–07. After two year's observations it was concluded that for vegetative propagation of Picrorhiza kurroa, 6 cm stolon cutting taken from top portion gave maximum sprouting and survival whereas, maximum rootstock yield was obtained with 10 cm stolon cuttings taken from middle portion of the plant. The stolon cuttings should be planted horizontally at 7.5 cm depth with the spacing of 30x30 cm to get maximum rootstock yield/ha. Top Keywoards Picrorhiza kurroa, vegetative propagation, planting technique, stolon, cutting, rootstock yield. Top |