Uptake studies and yield effects in potato variety Kufri Badshah in response to varying levels of nitrogen and potassium Chopra S, Gupta AK, Bhat DJ, Rafiq R Division of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, FOA Chatha, Jammu and Kashmir-180 009, India. *E mail: drsc373@rediffmail.com
Abstract The experiment was conducted at Vegetable Research Farm, SKUAST-J, FOA, Chatha to study the effect of nitrogen and potassium on the total leaf nitrogen and potassium content and the yield attributes in potato variety K. Badshah during the years 2008–09. It was evident that the leaf N and K content were increased with the application of nitrogen and potassium recorded 45 and 90 DAP. However the N and K content showed a decline when assessed after 90 DAP then that of 45 DAP. The number of tubers per plant, weight of tubers per plant and the tuber yield was increased by the application of nitrogen, however, potassium increased the no. of tubers and the tuber yield only. Top Keywoards Days after planting, potato variety, yield, nitrogen, potassium. Top |