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Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Year 2016, Volume-33, Issue-2 (July-December)
Print ISSN : 0971-1929
Online ISSN : 0974-4568

Table of contents

Histopathology in forensic practice
OP Murty

Diagnosing cardiomegaly using postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) in sudden death postmortem cases
Lai Poh Soon, Mohamad Hilmi Saidin, Mohamad Noor, Mohamad Helmee, Siew Sheue Feng

Long styloid process – Eagle syndrome; unusual cause of sudden natural death – A case report
H S Tatiya, AA Taware, VT Jadhao, N P Zanjad, S B Punpale, H V Vaidya

Profile of unidentified dead bodies brought to mortuary, Civil hospital, Ahmedabad
Dixit S. Patel, Alpesh C. Vaghela, M. M. Shaikh, Pankaj Prajapati, Kalpesh Shah

Medicolegalstudy on the verification of the subcutaneous hemorrhage by the amount of iron in a decayed dead body
M.D. O In Taek, Pak Hun Chol

An experience on the disaster victim identification (DVI) for indonesia AirAsia flight QZ8501
AH Hasmi, MI Haron, PS Lai, NA M. Ashar, WAW.M. Annuar, MS Mahmood

Crime scene management of low intensity explosion near Air India colony
S.O Chetti, Dr M.K. Malve, B B Daundkar

Medicolegal study on the diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in a dead body
M. Dr. O In-Taek

Sudden death of amiddle aged male due to pulmonary tuberculosis exaggerated by minor trauma (Assault): A medico-legal case report and review of the literature
Sanjay Kumar, Tabin Millo, Mohit Gupta, Abhishek Yadav, Anil Kumar Mittal


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