Author Guidelines
Journal of Functional and Environmental Botany is a peer-reviewed journal, publishes original high quality research papers and reviews in cellular physiology and biochemistry, molecular biology and whole plant physiology describing biological mechanisms and processes that relate to the performance of plants to their environment. The journal is biannual (January-June and July-December) published by, New Delhi. The journal has both print and online versions. There are no Publication Charges.
Editorial contact: or
Guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts
The manuscript is considered for publication on the understanding that the manuscript is unpublished and is not under consideration for publication in any other journal. The authors should submit their manuscript in MS-Word (2003/2007) in single column, double line spacing as per the following guidelines. The manuscript should be organized as Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Material & Methods, Results & Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements and References. The manuscript should not exceed 12 pages in double line spacing including illustrations. Authors are encouraged to include name of two potential reviewers in the covering letter. The corresponding author shall receive a soft copy of the published work at free of cost.
Margin as 1"; (Left, Right, Top & Bottom) on A4 paper.
Use Times New Roman as the font. Title of the paper should be in bold and in Title case.
Authors and Co-author's name. Name of the corresponding author should be highlighted by an asterisk, with whom all the future correspondence shall be made followed by the affiliation and complete address. Providing an e-mail ID is compulsory.
The title, author's name and affiliation should be center aligned.
Use the following font sizes:
Title: 14 point bold (Title Case), Author's name(s): 12-point bold, Author's Affiliations: 10- point normal, Headings: 11-point bold & caps, Sub-headings: 11-point normal & caps, Body Text: 10- point normal.
Lines must be double-spaced (plus one additional line between paragraphs).
Provide line numbers starting on each page.
Include Tables and figures in the same file as the text in the end of the manuscript. Insert Figures into the document in JPEG or TIFF format.
Abbreviations should be spelt out in full for the first time they appear and their abbreviated form included in brackets immediately after.
Diagrams and Figures: Only black & white figures are accepted. Figures should be entered in one column (center aligned) and should not exceed 6-inch total width. A minimum line width of 1 point is required at actual size. Annotations should be in Times New Roman 12 point with only the first letter capitalized. The figure caption should be preceded by ??Figure' followed by the figure number. For example, ??Figure 10'.
Photographs and illustrations: No color photographs are accepted. Image files should be optimized to the minimum possible size without compromising the quality. The figures should have a resolution of 300 dpi.
Equations: Each equation should appear on a new line.
References: The references should be arranged alphabetically. Make sure that all references in the text are listed and vice-versa. Titles of periodicals should be abbreviated according to the world list of scientific periodicals. Citation in the text should be given in square brackets “( )” such as Arnon (1949), Lone and Khan (2005), Khan et al. (2008) etc. References in the text should be separated by comma. References of Journals, Books and Conferences should be written as shown in the example below:
Author must provide the link of references given by them. This will facilitate us to verify the accuracy/ authenticity of the reference quoted. These links will not be displayed in the manuscript (draft/final) at any point of time, links are meant only to facilitate editorial/review process.
Also, authors are requested to provide DOI number of all the reference quoted by them, if available.
Journal Article
Thornton B, Millard P and Duff EI, 1994. Effects of nitrogen supply on the source of nitrogen used for regrowth of laminae after defoliation of four grass species, New Phytol, Vol. 128, pp. 615-620.
Marschner H, 1995. Mineral nutrition of higher plants. 2nd edn, New York: Academic Press.
Book Chapter
Tholen D, Poorter H and Voesenek LACJ, 2006. Ethylene and plant growth. In: Ethylene action in plants, Khan NA (ed). Heidelberg: Springer.
Article by DOI
Khan NA, Syeed S, Masood A, Nazar R and Iqbal N, 2010. Application of salicylic acid increases contents of nutrients and antioxidative metabolism in mungbean and alleviates adverse effects of salinity stress. Int J Plant Bio doi: 10.4081/pb.2010.e1.
Submission of Manuscript
The manuscript should be submitted as doc or pdf file on, submission guidelines can be asked by mailing on or to the Editor-in-Chief as an email attachment to The author(s) should send a signed declaration form mentioning that, the matter embodied in the manuscript is original and copyrighted material used during the preparation of the manuscript and has been duly acknowledged. The declaration should also carry consent of all the authors for its submission to the Journal. It is the responsibility of corresponding author to secure requisite permission from the employer that all papers submitted are understood to have received clearance(s) for publication. The authors shall also assign the copyright of the manuscript to the publisher (India). Also authors are requested to provide their complete contact details such as email ID and contact number. Once an article is accepted for publication can’t be withdrawn.
Peer Review Policy
Review System: Every article is processed by a masked peer review of double blind or by three referees and edited accordingly before publication. The criteria used for the acceptance of article are: contemporary relevance, updated literature, logical analysis, relevance to the global problem, sound methodology, contribution to knowledge and fairly good English. Selection of articles will be purely based on the experts’ views and opinion. The accepted manuscript may be edited for style and language. The editorial office will endeavor to assist where necessary with English language editing but authors are encouraged to seek local editing assistance before submission of the manuscript. Papers with immediate relevance would be considered for early publication.
The Editor-in-Chief may be reached at:;