Bioefficacy of benfuracarb 3G against pest complex of rice and its effect on the natural enemies Dhar P.P.*, Somchoudhury A.K., Nair N., Sekh K. Department of Agricultural Entomology, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia - 741 252, West Bengal, India. *Corresponding author's: E-mail: partha_ento@rediffmail.com
Abstract Benfuracarb 3G was tested in four different doses along with carbofuran 3G and phorate 10G against pest complex of rice at Burdwan, West Bengal and its dose @ 1500–2000 g a.i./ha gave satisfactory control of pest complex of rice along with significant increase in yield without any adverse effect on natural enemies. Top | | |
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