Loss estimation due to shoot bug, Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) in rabi sorghum under field conditions Balikai R.A.*, Anaji Raju, Biradar B.D., Sajjanar G.M., Hundekar A.R. University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Bijapur - 586 101, Karnataka, India. *Corresponding author's: E-mail: rabalikai@gmail.com
Abstract Field trial to estimate losses due to sorghum shoot bug, Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead), revealed that, all unprotected plots recorded significantly higher sorghum stripe virus disease incidence (51.26% increase), higher shoot bug population (92.02 percent population increase) and leaf sugary exudation (63.86% increase) over protected plots. Overall 11.16 and 21.11 percent losses in grain and fodder yields, respectively were recorded. Top | | |
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