Review of genus Busarbidea Rohwer (Hymenoptera, Symphyta, Tenthredinidae: Selandriinae) together with description of B. nigroclypeata sp. nov. from India Saini Malkiat S., Saini Tajinder P. Department of Zoology, Punjabi University, Patiala - 147002, (India). Abstract With the addition of a new species, genus Busarbidea Rohwer, is now represented by three species from India. Described and illustrated as new is B. nigroclypeata from Uttar Pradesh. This new species can be separated from the already recorded two Indian species as labrum, clypeus, scape, pronotal angles and tegula entriely black (all these structures entirely pale yellow in B. himalaiensis Rohwer and B. unitarum Malaise); proximal stripe on dorsal 2/3 of metafemur and distal 3 tarsal segments of meso-and metaleg fuscus (legs altogether pale in B. himalaiensis and B. unitarum) and antennal segment 3 longer than 4 as 5:4 (6:5 in B. himalaiensis and B. unitarum). Also, the already recorded two species are redescribed and illustrated on a uniform pattern. A key for the separation of these species is provided. Top | |
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