Field evaluation of insecticides for the control of mussel scale (Lepidosaphes piperis Gr.) on black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) Devasahayam S., Koya K.M. Abdulla* National Research Centre for Spices, Marikunnu P.O., Post Bag No. 1701, Calicut-673 012 (India). *Present address: Red Palm Weevil Project, Agriculture Improvement Scheme, Saihat, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Abstract Evaluation of six insecticides in the field at Kuppadi (Wynad district, Kerala) for the control of mussel scale (Lepidosaphes piperis Gr.) on black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) indicated that spraying of malathion, dimethoate or monocrotophos (0.1% each) twice at 30-day interval was more effective in controlling the pest infestation. Top | |
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