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Guidelines to The Contributors

Journal of Entomological Research is the official publication of the Malhotra Publishing House. It features the original research in all branches of Entomology and other cognate sciences of sufficient relevance and primary interest to the entomologists. The publication is generally open to all but it also accepts papers from other subjects related to Entomology. The journal publishes three types of articles, i.e. Review/Strategy paper (exclusively by invitation from the personalities of eminence), Research paper and Short communication. The manuscripts should be submitted preferably by E-mail or in duplicate complete in all respects to the Editor, Journal of Entomological Research, C/o Malhotra Publishing House, B-6 DSIDC Complex, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi-110 015, India. Each manuscript must be typed doubled spaced on one side of a A4 size page. Clearness, brevity and conciseness are essential in form, style, punctuation, spelling and use of English language. Manuscripts should conform to the S.I. system for numerical data and data should be subjected to appropriate statistical analysis. On receipt of an article at the Editorial Office, an acknowledgement giving the manuscript number is sent to the corresponding author. This number should be quoted while making any future enquiry about its status.

Review/Strategy paper: It should be comprehensive, up-to-date and critical on a recent topic of importance. The maximum page limit is of 16 double spaced typed pages including tables and figures. It should cite latest literatures and identify some gaps for future. It should have a specific Title followed by the Name(s) of the author(s), Affiliation, Abstract, Key words, main text with subheadings, Acknowledgements (wherever applicable) and References.

Research paper: The paper should describe a new and confirmed findings. Should not generally exceed 12 typed pages including tables/figures etc. A paper must have the following features.

Title followed by Author(s) and Affiliation: Address of the institution(s) where the research was undertaken.

Abstract: A concise summary (200 to 300 words) of the entire work done along with the highlights of the findings.

Key words: Maximum five keywords to be indicated.

Introduction: A short introduction of the crop along with the research problem followed by a brief review of literature.

Materials and methods: Describe the materials used in the experiments, year of experimentation, site etc. Describe the methods employed for collection of data in short.

Results and discussion: This segment should focus on the fulfillment of stated objectives as given in the introduction. Should contain the findings presented in the form of tables, figures and photographs. As far as possible, the data should be statistically analyzed following a suitable experimental design. Same data should not be presented in the table and figure form. Avoid use of numerical values in findings, rather mention the trends and discuss with the available literatures. At the end give short conclusion. Insertion of coloured figures as photograph(s) will be charged from the author(s) as applicable and suggested by the printer.

Acknowledgements (wherever applicable).

References: Reference to literature should be arranged alphabetically and numbered according to author's names, should be placed at the end of the article. Each reference should contain the names of the author with initials, the year of the publication, title of the article, the abbreviated title of the publication according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals, volume and page(s). In the text, the reference should be indicated by the author's name, followed by the serial number in brackets.

  1. Scaffer, B. and Guaye, G.O. 1989. Effects of pruning on light interception, specific leaf density and chlorophyll content of mango. Scientia Hort., 41: 55-61.
  2. Laxmi, D.V. 1997. Studies on somatic embryogenesis in mango (Mangifera indica L.). Ph.D. thesis, P.G. School, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
  3. Sunderland, N. 1977. Nuclear cytology. In: Plant Cell and Tissue Culture, Vol. II. H.E. Street (ed.). University of California Press, Berkeley, California, USA, pp. 171-206.
  4. Chase, S.S. 1974. Utilization of haploids in plant breeding: breeding diploid species. In: Haploids in Higher Plants: Advances and Potential. Proc. Intl. Symp. 10-14 June, 1974, University of Guelph. K.J. Kasha (ed.), University of Guelph, Canada, pp. 211-30.
  5. Panse, V.G. and Sukhatme, P.V. 1978. Statistical Methods for Agricultural Workers, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. 108 p.

Short communication: The text including table(s) and figure(s) should not exceed five pages. It should have a short title; followed by name of author(s) and affiliation and references. There should be no subheadings, i.e. Introduction, Materials and Methods etc. The manuscript should be in paragraphs mentioning the brief introduction of the of the topic and relevance of the work, followed by a short description of the materials and the methods employed, results and discussion based on the data presented in 1 or 2 table(s)/figure(s) and a short conclusion at the end. References, should be maximum seven in Nos. at the end.

General Instructions

  • All the manuscript should be typed double spaced on one side of A4 size paper with proper margin.
  • Generic and specific names should be italicized throughout the manuscript. Similarly, the vernacular names are to italicized.
  • Each table should have a heading stating its content clearly and concisely. Place at which a table is to be inserted should be indicated in the text by pencil. Tables should be typed on separate sheets, each with a heading. Tables should be typed with the first letter (T) only capital, table no. in Arabic numerals. All measurements should be in metric units.
  • At the bottom of the first page present address of the corresponding author, Mobile No. and E-mail ID etc. must be specified, if available.
  • Manuscript is acceptable in duplicate along with a CD/E-mail.
  • Printing charges: Corresponding author have to bear the printing charges for the paper. Changes will be informed at the time of paper accepted & proof sent to author.
  • Article forwarded to the Editor for publication is understood to be offered to Journal of Entomological Research exclusively. It is also understood that the authors have obtained a prior approval of their Department, Faculty or Institute in case where such approval is a necessary.
  • Acceptance of a manuscript for publication in Journal of Entomological Research shall automatically mean transfer of copyright to the Malhotra Publishing House. The Editorial Board takes no responsibility for the fact or the opinion expressed in the Journal, which rests entirely with the author(s) thereof.
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