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Instructions for Authors


At least one of the authors must be the Member of The Academy of Environmental Biology at the time of submission of manuscript.

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscript should be typed double spaced on one side of the white paper leaving wide margin on both sides.

a)    Page 1 of the manuscript should contain only the (i) Title of the paper, (ii) Author(s) name(s), (iii) Author(s) affiliations, (iv) Subject Index Words, (v) Running shortend title, (vi) Address of the author to whom all correspondence is to be made, and (vii) Total number of tables and illustrations in the article. The manuscript should not be of more than 12 pages (space 1.5).

b)    Page 2 should contain Title followed by the Abstract (about 100 words), 4-5 Key words, and the Text Paper. There should be no names(s) and address(es) of the author(s) on this and the subsequent pages. The Text paper be subdivided into sections : Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgements and References.

c)    Tables should be typed on separate pages and numbered.

d)    Illustrations/figures in triplicate (1 original and 2 Electrostats) should be drawn with Indian black ink. As far as possible, send figures produced by computers (in black ink only). Preferably send the diagrams/illustrations/figures in printing size of the Journal. Photographs (black & white only) must be good glossy original prints. Coloured photographs will be printed in B/W only. However, Figures/photographs can be reproduced coloured only at the authors(s) expense. All the legends should be typed on separate sheet of paper and be numbered consecutively with Arabic number. Standard symbols, abbreviations, nomenclature and SI units be used for quantities and measurements: km, M, m cm, mm, μm, nm, Å; kg, g, mg, μg; l, ml, μl; yr (year), wk (weak), d (day), h (hour), min (minute), s (sec), ms, μs.

e)    Title of manuscript must be small letter except first letter.

f)    Taxonomical references in manuscript must be written in Italic form.

g)    Do not write Dr., Mr., Mrs., Miss before the author’s name

h)    Please strike out by (*) to the corresponding author’s name.

i)    Mentioned the brief address of author’s (viz. Dept., Univ., City, Pin code, Country) only.

j)    Introduction, Materials Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgments and References (Headings only) must be specified in center position.

k)    Please specified author’s name in every left page and running title in every rights page in upper position.

l)    Table No. must be placed after result and discussion on a separate sheet with legend of table / fig.

m)    Mentioned the references according to journal format viz. alphabetic order in normal text only and only Vol. No. will be in bold form.

n)    References should be cited in the Text by the surname of the author(s) and the year. In case of more than two authors, surname of the first author followed by et al. And the year be cited. In the list of references at the end of manuscript, full and complete references in the following style be given and arranged alphabetically by first author’s surname:

Moore, J. W. (1991) Inorganic contaminants of surface water: Research and Monitoring Properties. Springer Verlag, New York.

Wine, R. N., Li, L.H., Hommel Barnes, L., Gulati, D. K. and Chapin, R. E. (1997) Reproductive toxicity of di-n-butyl phthalate in a continuous breeding protocol in sprague-Dawley rats. Environ. Health Perspect. 105, 102-107.

Manuscript Submission

Journal welcomes manuscripts from all countries but the Text should be written in English language only. Manuscript in TRIPLICATE (one original + Two carbon/electrostat) be submitted in final form (strictly as per Format/Norms given above) to Dr. Krishna Gopal, Secretary (HQ), The Academy of Environmental Biology, C/o Aquatic Toxicology Division, Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, Post Box-80, M. G. Marg, Lucknow-226001 (India). Kindly send the text of manuscript in the floppy size 31/2.


Proofs may not be sent to authors. Authors are, therefore, advised to prepare the manuscript with utmost care and strictly as per Norms/Format given.


Purchase of 50 reprints is compulsory. Price of reprints should be sent immediately after the receipt of the invoice.


Payment should be made in the form of Bank Demand Draft (No Cheques Please) in the name of Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health payable at Lucknow branch of any Nationalized Bank.

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