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Journal of Dairying Foods & Home Sciences
Year : 2004, Volume : 23, Issue : 3and4
First page : ( 253) Last page : ( 256)
Print ISSN : 0971-4456. Online ISSN : 0976-0563.

Organisational design, storage facilities and environmental conditions in rural kitchens in Ludhiana district of Punjab

Kwatra Seema, Oberoi Krishna

Department of Family Resource Management, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145, India


The existing kitchen designs, storage facilities and environmental conditions were studied by conducting a field survey of 25 families each from two purposely selected villages of Ludhiana district using a pretested questionnaire designed for the purpose. The results showed that 48 per cent of the families were extended type, 74% of the home makers were literate with only 6% graduate, 34% being high school pass. The large proportion of the kitchens were found to be of standing type (94%) and very small proportion being sitting type (06%). The direction of the kitchen was not good for maintaining appropriate environmental conditions perhaps because they did not have the adequate knowledge about the importance of right kitchen direction. Most of the families had kitchen close to the living area and out of the view of passer by. A large proportion of the families had tap in the kitchen (74%), while 30% used hand pump water for kitchen work. The distance of kitchen counter from hand pump and tap water being 360 and 193 cm; respectively. Only a few families had pucca drain (08%). Most of the families had sufficient light in their kitchen (78% artificial light and 54% natural light). Most of the families had built in storage shelves (98%) above the work counters. Only a small proportion of the families had storage shelves below (38%) and away from the work counters (16%). A large proportion of the work counters being L-shape (40%). The average height of the kitchen counters being 79.4 cm. The light intensity being below the comfortable limits.


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