Instructions To Contributors
The Journal of Camel Practice and Research is published by half-yearly from the Camel Publishing House, 67, Gandhi Nagar West, Near Lalgarh Palace, Bikaner, 334 001 (India). It is in offset print size of 20.5x27.5 cm in two columns with a print area of 17x22 cm. It will be known as Journal of Camel Practice and Research with Volume number on yearly basis and Number on issues per volume basis (in exceptional cases there can be more than two issues in a volume).
Nature of coverage: This journal is dedicated to disseminate scientific information about new and old world camelids in form of: Original research articles in camel health, husbandry, pastoralism, sports, specific behaviour, history and socio-economics. Reports on unusual clinical case(s) or unreported management of clinical case(s). Review articles will be accepted on invitation only. Book review directly or indirectly related to camels will be reviewed by subject-matter specialists and included if sent to the journal for this purpose. Masters or Doctorate thesis/dissertation abstracts will be published only if sent by the candidate with due certification from advisor/supervisor and head of the department where the research was carried out. All thesis/ dissertation abstracts should be accompanied by attested or photocopy of their mandatory certificates only for official records. The Journal of Camel Practice and Research will occasionally contain an invited editorial commenting on the papers in the issue.
Each issue of the Journal of Camel Practice and Research will contain some titbits like My Camel Memories, Clinical Camelids, ‘from the old literature’, ‘cartoons’ and interesting news items’. Readers are welcome to contribute for these and due credit lines will suitably be included. However, all these are subject to scrutiny by members of the editorial board.
News of any International Association of Camel or Camelids will be included as and when necessary. ‘Research in progress’, is a special feature we intend to incorporate in the Journal of Camel Practice and Research. In this column researchers can report initial findings of their work in advance, so that others engaged in similar pursuit can exchange views about it. However, such short communications will be entertained on understanding that full article will also appear in this journal.
Submission of manuscript: Mail two copies of the manuscript and two complete sets of figures to Dr.T.K.Gahlot, Editor, Journal of Camel Practice and Research, Department of Surgery & Radiology, College of Veterinary & Animal Science, Bikaner, Rajasthan, 334 001 India.
The manuscript should be sent in a heavy paper envelope and photographs or illustrations should be enclosed in a cardboard to avoid damage during mail handling. The manuscript should be accompanied by a covering letter from the author responsible for correspondence. It should also contain a statement that manuscript has been seen and approved by all co-authors. Editor and members of the editorial board are not responsible for the opinions expressed by authors and reserves the right to reject any material or introduce editorial changes. Material will be accepted for publication on the understanding that it has not been published in any other form and is not being considered elsewhere. Any material once accepted for publication may not be republished in any form without prior permission of the author.
Manuscripts can also be accepted on 3.5″ or 5.25″ floppies, computers, PM5 or PM6 Microsoft-Word-5 or compatibles, Microsoft-Excel-4 or compatibles. It would be in the interest of authors to accompany a hard copy.
Preparation of the manuscript: Manuscript should be typed on white bond paper (A4 or 5 size) with a margin of 4 cm on right side, 3 cm on left side, top and bottom. British English, spellings and generic names of drugs should be used. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria, International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria, International Code of Botanical Nomenclature and International Standards should be strictly followed. All terms should be identified by their scientific names and for easy comprehension common terms/names can be used. Population data and geographical distribution of camelids should invariably be avoided in introduction, unless it is warranted.
Each of the following sections should be types on separate pages:
Title page: This page should contain title of the article, name of the department/institution where work has been done, present postal address of each author and name of author with email to whom reprint request should be addressed. Following is the example:
T.K. Gahlot1, S.K. Chawla2, R.J. Choudhary3, D. Krishnamurthy4 and D.S. Chouhan5 Department of Surgery & Radiology, 1,3 and 5 College of Veterinary Surgery & Radiolgy, 2 and 4, College of Veterinary Sciences. CCS-Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, 125 004 INDIA. SEND REPRINT REQUEST TO DR. T.K. GAHLOT email:
Abstract and Key words: The abstract should begin with title of the article (in upper case), and have brief procedures, salient results and conclusions not more than 225 words, in one paragraph on second page. Proprietary names and abbreviations should be avoided. Provide four to six key words below the abstract for indexing services. Abstract is not necessary for short communications, case reports, news items etc.
Text: The proper text of the paper should start from third page and should again begin with title of the article (in upper case). The text should be divided into sections with headings, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, tables/illustrations and references.
Introduction: The logic of the introduction is to introduce the specificity and relevance of the topic to the readers. It should include the objective of the work in brief and most important related reference(s).
Materials and Methods: Should contain details regarding materials and brief account of procedures used. However, sufficient details must be included to reproduce the results. For established or routine methods only related reference(s) can be cited. Any deviation from routine procedures should be specifically mentioned. Only generic names of the drugs and chemicals should be used in the running text. The trade names, source or other necessary related information should be mentioned in parenthesis there in.
In case reports, the case record sheet should also be included in materials and methods.
Statistical methods if used should be briefly described alongwith reference. If any analysis is done with the help of a computer programme, its complete name and source should be mentioned, however, it does not mean to exclude the mention of methods, level of significance and other relevant information.
Results and Discussion should be presented in logical sequence with implications of findings about other relevant studies. The data or information easily attainable from the tables or graphics need not be repeated in the results. Only important observations need to be summarised. Undue repetition of the text from results to discussion has to be avoided. To preclude it, depending on article, results and discussion can be combined. In discussion only significant results should be discussed. One should not always stick to the term ‘statistically significant’ data rather biological importance or significance of any variation should be given due importance in discussion. Discussion should always end in conclusions linked with objectives of the study mentioned in the introduction and unqualified statements should be avoided.
Tables: Each tables should be typed on separate sheet. Large tables should be avoided and should not exceed one page. Each table should be numbered in Indo-Arabic numerals according to their sequence in the text that refers to it. In the text it should be referred as proper noun e.g., Table 1. The title of the table should be brief and self-explanatory. Footnotes can be included to enhance understanding ability of the contents of the table.
Illustrations and Legends: All illustrations should be submitted in duplicate and about twice the size desired for reproduction that is 17 cm for double column or 8.3 cm for single column. Photographs and photomicrographs should be printed on glossy paper with excellent details and contrast. Drawings and diagrams should be in India ink (Black) on smooth white paper. All illustrations should be referred as figures in the text and should also be numbered in Indo-Arabic numerals e.g., Fig 1. Legends of all these figures should be typed on a separate sheet. Each legend should be clear, concise and informative. A statement of magnifications or reductions should be given where it is applicable. Nothing should be written with pen or typed on the back of any illustration except it bears running title of the paper, figure number and arrow indicating top edge with light pencil. All graphs should be supported with data on a separate sheet to redo them (in certain special cases) according to format of the journal.
References: References to the work should be cited in the text with author’s surname and year of publication in the parenthesis e.g., Gahlot (1995) or Gahlot et al (1995) or (Gahlot et al, 1995), depending upon construction of the sentence. In case there are two authors the conjunction ‘and’ or its symbol ‘&’ should be used according to construction of the sentence e.g., Gahlot and Chouhan (1995) or (Gahlot & Chouhan, 1995). When there are more than two authors the surname of first author will be followed by et al. When name of any author bears only first and second name, latter will be considered as surname for the text. However, in papers submitted to this journal both names should be used in the title page. Chronological order should be followed in citing several references together in the text.
References should be arranged in alphabetical order. Authors should not modify the title of the references. Mention full name of the journal. Examples of correct forms of references are given below:
Periodicals: Sharma SD, Gahlot TK, Purohit NR, Sharma CK, Chouhan DS and Choudhary RJ (1994). Haematological and biochemical alterations following epidural administration of xylazine in camels (Camelus dromedarius). Journal of Camel Practice and Research 1 (1):26-29.
For edited symposium/congress/proceedings: Abdalla HS (1992). Camel trypanosomiasis in the Sudan. Proceedings First International Camel Conference, Dubai (UAE), February 2-6, p 401-403.
Books (Personal authors): Gahlot TK and Chouhan DS (1992). Camel Surgery, Ist Edn. Gyan Prakashan Mandir, Gauri Niwas, 2b5, Pawanpuri, Bikaner, India. pp 37-50.
Chapter from multiauthored books: Chawla SK, Panchbhai VS and Gahlot TK (1993). The special sense organs-Eye. In: Ruminant Surgery, Eds., Tyagi RPS and Singh J. Ist Edn., CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, India. pp 392-407.
Thesis: Rathod Avni (2006).Therapeutic studies on sarcopticosis in camels (Camelus dromedarius). Unpublished Masters Thesis (MVSc), Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India.
Commercial booklets: Anonymous/Name (1967). Conray-Contrast Media. IIIrd Edn., 12-15, May and Baker Ltd., Dagenham, Essex, England.
Magazine articles: Taylor D (1985). The Constipated Camel. Reader’s Digest. Indian Edn. RDI Print & Publishing (P) Ltd., Mehra House, 250-C, New Cross Road, Worli, Bombay, India. 126:60-64.
News paper articles: Anonymous or name of correspondent (1985). Bright Sunlight causes Cataract. Times of India, New Delhi, City-1, India October-9 pp 3, Col 3-5.
Personal communication: Hall LW (1995). Reader in Comparative Anaesthesia, Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Madingley Road, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB3 0ES, England.
Reprints: There is no provision for free reprints. Author or person in correspondence has to pay Rs.1500/- (for Indian Citizens only) or US $ 150, in advance for 10 reprints. Additional reprints in multiples of 10 may be requested and will be charged at the same rate but with minimum order of 30 reprints and every request for extra reprints should be made, if required, before 30th May or November every year.
Charges for colour and black and white pictures: Author(s) has to pay for production of colour plates in his/ her manuscript. More than 4 black and white picture will be charged from the author(s) towards printing charges.
Copyright: The copyright of the article will remain with the owner, Dr.T.K. Gahlot and will be governed by the Indian Copyright Act.